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Name: Justin Frasure


Bobofthnder's Recent Comments
May 9, 2010 7:08 pm @ron, eh, it's cool. Agreed with you on most of the other stuff. Just thought I'd poke at the joke at the end of the podcast. Good show though.
May 9, 2010 6:45 pm I dare to contend with Ron's asserted truth. I did not like Sam Rockwell, in this at least. I get that it was probably the point, but when he popped up on the screen I was just counting the seconds until he was gone.
May 7, 2010 1:13 pm Great article, especially because of my love for the Legion. I also have to agree with the love for Brainiac 5 for the reasons mentioned, and since you're apparently in my attic, would you like some milk and cookies, or are you going to keep trying to intimidating me?