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Name: Bobby Mueller



Wow, this issue really lost me. All of a sudden if you don’t agree with Obama’s policies & aren’t in…

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BobDigi76's Recent Comments
December 3, 2012 7:54 pm I think Vertigo is finished. Moving Hellblazer & SwampThing to the New 52 were some of the first signs & now this. It's a shame because Vertigo appears to be fading away but it doesn't mean the types of books it used to produce are. In the past a book like No Where Men or Morning Glories would have been obvious Vertigo titles. Image is the natural heir to the type of storytelling DC used to support.
December 3, 2012 7:41 pm People really. Hate the Big Bang Theory? It's a show, funny or not & to get this upset about the portrayal of geeks is a little out of whack. As many here have already said it's a caricature, not reality. Anyone getting this bent out of shape are doing a little too much self-identifying & really need to get a life.
November 8, 2012 8:00 pm I think this is yet another example of DC continuing to screw the pooch. The new 52 isn't setting the world on fire & they continue to diminish their once great staple of characters. I don't understand this obsession with slowly dismantling of Vertigo by DC. I assume it's a sales thing brought on by tighter control from WB but it feels very shortsighted.
September 24, 2012 2:36 pm I agree with the sentiment of trying out titles from other publishers. If you're in your 30's like me then chances & you grew up reading Marvel & DC & you've pretty much seen it all. Good stuff does come from those publishers but it seems be fewer & far between. I am loving the Valiant relaunch & feel if people gave titles like these a try they could rekindle their interest in comics.
March 5, 2012 1:14 pm I really think DC's starting to poop the bed with the new 52
July 23, 2011 9:39 am Why would anyone want the the show to follow the eact same story beats as the comics?  I find this show terrifying and exhilirating precisly because it's not predictable.
January 21, 2011 10:47 am I think I have 4-5 copies of this issue.  Ahh the 90's!
January 12, 2011 10:33 am
Jim Lee is the guy that got me back into comics in '92.  I was just blown away by his style & like everyone else I tried to ape it.  If he ever went back to Marvel the comics world would explode! 
October 13, 2010 8:03 pm I feel ya Josh.  The creators should want to let know readers what's up but they're certainly not obligated.  The only thing that gets damaged is their reputation & even that probably doesn't way on them much b/c if they are a superstar people will come back when they finally publish something. Just like you said earlier the only solution is w/hold your dollars.
August 25, 2010 8:42 pm What's Walking Dead about?