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Name: Samir Biswas



This was the second time this title brought a little man-tear to my eyes.  The first was when Kitty saw…

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BizDaddy's Recent Comments
June 28, 2012 7:52 am Does that mean that the Fabulous Frog Man wasn't a sidekick back in the day? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frog-Man
May 30, 2012 11:10 am Never read the story in it's original print, but reading the intro and just these panels made me tear up a bit. How long was the story itself?
February 28, 2012 10:17 am Maybe it's a little bit of OCD, but I find it cathartic to once and a while go through the stacks of unorganized comics lying on the living room table or on the bed stand and file them into the boxes that reside in my basement. Sometimes it requires moving whole sections of my collection around in order make room. Other times it means perusing old issues to determine what makes the cut and what goes to the local middle school. I've made a move to get some of my comics digitally, but having a computer alphabetize and order my comics doesn't allow me the same mindless Sunday of reordering my physical books. And it's pretty cool to see the longboxes full of X-Men books. I realize they will probably get thrown away after I've met the "great reboot in the sky", but for now they make me happy, and in the long run all hobbies should be about the joy you get from them, and whatever nuances that joy may take.
February 15, 2012 11:04 am Not only am I excited for this because I've been enjoying Remender's Venom so far, but also because I think it's awesome that Remender has gotten to the point where he can help spotlight the the next wave of outstanding indie writers, the way that Fraction helped spotlight him.
January 6, 2012 12:56 pm Why do I love reading these statistics so much? I cant explain it, but I do. Great job Ron. @ Ron. I was wondering what the stat on longest run of picks is. I feel like Aaron, Remender, Hickman, and Snyder have all had back to back picks, if not more in a row.
December 14, 2011 8:38 am @cutty - just saw that you'd already made that note.
December 14, 2011 8:33 am @ cutty - Not sure if you consider X-Factor mainstream, but there's been at least one effect in that book resulting from the events of A:CC (sorry for the vagueness, but I''m trying to keep it spoiler free)
October 4, 2011 10:09 am It's a good thing Jason Aaron seems to be rebuilding the Westchester manor in Wolverine and the X-Men. That way the two Avengers bases don't have to be the only two marvel bases being repeatedly destroyed in the NY tri-state area..
September 14, 2011 7:13 am Is that a shoulder mount on the big gun slung over his back? I cant figure out how that the use of the gun is anatomically feasible. For get the whole huge gun thing, why the shoulder mount at the end of the gun? Or am I mistaken and it's just a pneumatic wrench on steroids ?
September 13, 2011 11:05 am Josh, you just blew my mind! I think I saw a hipster on the Subway with that very look this morning. Wearing a Superman T-shirt and jeans and boots with a handlebar moustache. All the guy was missing was the cape. I noticed it only because I thought "this guys trying to look like the superman cover" But now Josh made the Superman cover look like him. Art is imitating life, imitating art.