
Name: Anthony Pilone


Anthonypilone01's Recent Comments
June 4, 2012 1:40 am With this blasphemous new 52 reboot, things have been messed up in so many ways, it's not even funny and this is one of them. I mean personally, I still believe that sexual orientation has no place in comics. It does not matter that people are gay. Comic books are not people. Introducing sexual interest into comics is a bad road. I read (past tense) comics for the adventure, not who's sleeping with whom. There are plenty of comics that explore sexual identity in the market and I should not be forced by my once two favorite companies to read half a comic because they fill it personal life stuff. I want to read comics to get away from this world not be reintroduced to it. If readers want to experience real life, GO OUT AND EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF. Not to be a Prude or anything. But sexual Orientation shouldn't even be a discussion in Comics. The fact that it is part of the New 52, says a lot in itself. I have always liked Green Lantern and to turn him into a Gay Posterboy doesn't seem right. Of course, nothing seems right with the New 52 now does it? Apparently, the current DC with this new 52 only did this for publicity. DC cares about something Green, but that word isn't followed by Lantern. Good or bad publicity has, in the past, been good for comic sales. Why not write decent stories that win Eisner awards like they used to? Either way, this was a bad move from these A-holes in DC right and quite a smack in the face of the true fans and that's just so not cool. Poor green Lantern. I hope a lot of green lantern fans are pissed about it. I know I am. This is just an absolute disgrace. I want the real DC heroes back!
February 11, 2012 12:44 pm I am glad they are doing this. But where the hell's the red shorts!! The costume looks indecent without it. It was there during the finale that last time I checked!!!! It doesn't have to follow the MOS movie. They shouldn't have taken it away, they should have left it alone!
February 11, 2012 12:39 pm UGH! i know it's an earth 2 but come on. Honestly, these costumes look terrible. And among many, many things, it is completely white-washing and some people have completely failed to realize that the new 52 is being fueled by ego and thats never a good sign. And all these changes are killing the images of the DCU. And some of these so-called new readers, seem to have no conception of what the real DCU is about, what it stands for, the qualities and it's values. And for what they have added in there, this reboot is a disgrace in so many ways, it's not even funny. At this point, I actually miss the real DC heroes. And i want 'em back!