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Name: Chris Rohling




I’m really surprised by how good this issue actually was considering the last two haven’t been… amazing.  Yeah, we’ll go…

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Before I get to anything else, I just have to say that this was a truly spectacular first issue. I…

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After picking up No Hero issue 0 and issue 1 this week, I gotta say that I was pleasently surprised. …

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Anson17's Recent Comments
April 6, 2013 4:41 pm @Grandturk - You don't have to read them, or even click on them.
April 6, 2013 4:39 pm @deepspacesaumurai - I get where you're coming from. There's definitely a segment of fans that seem to have a hate-on for the medium, but I don't see a ton of it here. I think iFanboy is one of the most well adjusted fan bases on the net, even if there are a few bad eggs here and there. Most of the complaints I see here are more aimed at the business side of the industry, and it's hard not to understand why, especially in the case of DC since the new 52 got going.
April 5, 2013 1:35 pm Love the Fairest cover. It took me a second to even realize what I was looking at beyond the title. Really cool composition.
April 5, 2013 1:10 pm Oh, no! A woman who isn't drawn to look like every other woman in my comics. What ever shall I do???
April 5, 2013 1:08 pm But maybe that's just because I really miss Oracle. A lot.
April 5, 2013 1:03 pm I could definitely get behind something like that. At least it's something different.
April 5, 2013 12:54 pm I should be excited by this. I love Carrie Kelley. She's a fantastic character in a great story. And she should stay that way. Her value as a character is what she brings to a Bruce Wayne who's jaded, lost and out of the game. Yeah, he's depressed now, but it's not to the level of TDKR. Hell, it isn't even Batman Beyond levels of old angry Bruce. But hey, I've pretty much resigned to the fact that DC comics just aren't being made for me anymore. I'm reading and enjoying... two titles that I can think of off the top of my head. Batman and Earth 2 are doing it for me. That's about it, and Earth 2 is even a bit rocky from time to time.
April 5, 2013 12:49 pm It's not just DC, sadly. Marvel and DC have both been blowing huge moments by leaking them to the media (mainstream and comics) either the day the issue comes out or a few days before at least since the death of Captain America. I remember even reading something about Identity Crisis in a newspaper and that's just embarrassing.
April 5, 2013 12:47 pm At this point I'd almost not be surprised if they did a "Vote on the new Robin!" after introducing a bunch of potential Robins. But, DC doesn't exactly do a lot of listening to their fanbase, so probably not.