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Name: Aaron Pruett



It was a light week for me, and I almost skipped heading in this week until I saw the new…

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I am a little confused who is the target audience for some of these Boom-Pixar books. My 4 year old…

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I guess i’m starting to like Marvel magic titles.  I thought this was a lot of fun. There was an…

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Aalbatr0ss's Recent Comments
December 15, 2010 6:25 am Apparently, Assange was actually Powder.  
1)"CLICK"  Off comes the wig. 
2) Lightning bolt to alGhul
3) Lightning bolt through the  wall
4) Sees Cyclops and some clown fighting
5) Lightning bolt to Cyclops
6) Scratches his bald head and addresses Dr Spectro:  Dude, I'm Julian Assange and even I've never heard of you!  
7) Dr Spectro runs over the stunned leaker with what is apparently a hover-Vespa.
8) Dr Spectro goes and downloads Paul's cool new podcast, "Fuzzy Typewriter presents The Deceptionists
 9) Dr Spectro self-publishes his own Franzen sequel: Freedom and polka-dots.
December 9, 2010 12:29 am @jackietam: Uh, that's a whole different website...
December 8, 2010 2:57 pm I don't understand how a mesh would help.  Since we're assuming the material has an infinitely high modulus of elasticity, there are 2 cases to consider:

1) Interconnected mesh - By definition, this would be incompressible and hence unshrinkable.

2) Interdispersed  particles - This could allow shrinkage, but would result in "adamantium dilution" in the full-sized hulk.  Particles size would have a huge effect here.  You'd have to trade off shrinkability for performance.  Having bones interlaced with non-connected adamantium nanoparticles might just make Bruce weigh much more without helping Hulk. 

I think the way to really do this is to inject Bruce with antibodies conjugated with adamantium nano-switches.  Next, target the antibodies to the bone surface to create a coating of adamantium "gates" which can reorient (assemble or disassemble) in response to electrical signal.  Then all you need is to set up a control signal that will set the whole thing up to trigger whenever Banner's size starts changing.  This approach also solves the delivery problem since all you need is to inject it with an adamantium needle. 

The drawback: you only have a really thin coating on the bones, but since adamantium is almost infinitely strong, maybe thats all you need?
December 8, 2010 10:50 am

Magneto is obviously toying with Sinestro.  All he has to say is "Well,at least my daughter isn't doing Kyle Rayner" and the day is his.

November 19, 2010 2:19 pm

Dr Tom,

I'm having anxiety attacks because I'm not sure if I can handle handle a world with a sexy, globetrotting Batman.

November 10, 2010 10:28 am

Upstairs on the 3rd floor, Dr Moriarty overheard the entire conversation on the secret microphone he had planted years ago while dusting the Tyrannosaur.  The Alfred Pennyworth persona had served him for decades.  His access to Wanye technologyes had been invaluable in throwing Holmes offf his trail.  He cursed quietly to himself as he rapelled down the mansion wall and stole away into the night. 

Later that night he circled a classified ad in Gentleman's Gentleman's Quarterly.  Apparently Tony Stark was hiring. 

November 4, 2010 11:45 am Its like the whole internet is being ruined because happy people can't think of anything to say.
October 20, 2010 3:06 pm

I go a little mad in the lab sometimes. 

I do a some fluid mechanics mathematical modeling coupled with data I take in the lab.  These experiments get pretty complex and some days I'll get the feeling I've gone all "Beautiful Mind" and I'm actually doing the lab equivalent of decoding newspapers on the garage wall.