Review by: biftec

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Price: 3.99

Wednesday Comics is still one of my favorite books every week, thoguh i confess i’ve been skipping a few of the slower strips – Wonder Woman until i can read it all in one sitting, and Teen Titans because it’s just bad.

I know a lot of people are into the Batman strip, but it doesn’t do much for me, and while Bermejo’s art on Superman was especially breathtaking this week, Arcudi’s writing has been very lazy and turgid.

So what about the good stuff? Well, Ryan Sook’s pencils on Kamandi and Kyle Baker’s art on Hawkman are both beautiful – the final panel of WC this week is a wingless hawkman charging a tyrannosaur with his mace, and it’s pretty freaking awesome, almost as awesome as bipedal mutant lionmen shooting rounds of machine gun fire from military jeeps plowing across the ruins of American empire. The metamorpho periodic table bingo race doesn’t break too much new ground, but anytime Neil Gaiman has ancient roman shapeshifters tell people to “suck it” in Latin, you’re probably getting at least your four bucks worth. The Flash and Strange Adventures were clearly the best of the bunch this week. Pope’s art just gets better and better with every strip, giving life to the weird archaeo-scifi dreamscapes across the zeta beam and making Adam Strange clearly the best character in the DCU, while Kerschl’s transposition of Barry and Iris into comics strips past – Wednesday Comics meets Sunday Comics – was a joy to read.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent

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