Review by: Gizmo

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Story by Steve Darnall & Alex Ross
Art by Jonathan Lau
Cover by Alex Ross & Jonathan Lau

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Looks like I’m the only one still picking this up. Overall, I like the series. The first five issues are so definitely impressed me more than the last few have. The story continues its continuity without any real beginning or end, which I usually like, but we are introduced to a new villain with each issue or two without very much resolution to the encounter with the villain with the last issue; so it feels like a series of one-shot stories that haven’t been finished. If Steve Darnell and Alex Ross continue on this path, I hope there is some kind of reunion by issue 10 to tie everything together.

The real selling point of this series is the art work. Jonathan Lau consistently blows me away with his beautiful poses and layouts. He is the main reason I have stuck with this series as long as I have. No one can draw martial arts fights like he can. Not to mention there is always an Alex Ross cover to enjoy. So if you are attracted to the titles with the best art work, and you are into martial arts stuff, I’d recommend this. But otherwise, its not a must-read.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I did not know this existed. I was a fan of the short lived Peter Cannon series at DC in the early 1990s.

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