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Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver
Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99
This review contains spoilers, click here to read
I am reminded somewhat of when The Dark Knight came out and every single review for that film mentioned Heath Ledger's death. In similar fashion, it is seemingly impossible to discuss The Flash: Rebirth #6 without talking about how late it is.
Sure, it's lateness is more noticeable in some areas (rushed artwork, an out of place Christmas reference, the almost metafictional final panel, etc.) but it is best to ignore such unfortunate matters of circumstance and take this issue for what it is: fun, exciting and, most importantly, kinetic. Everything we've been wanting from a Flash story for too long.
The only thing that could overshadow Barry Allen's return to the DCU was Geoff Johns' return to The Flash. With this story, we are thrust back into the thoroughly engrossing and multi-faceted world he helped shape some years ago. Through Barry Allen's all-new backstory we are reminded of how well Johns handles character on the run, and any doubts about Barry integrating into the "gritty realism" of modern comics is left in the dust. Likewise, Prof. Zoom is given a depth he so sorely lacked, and after such a brief taste of his madness we are left wanting more, much like Johns did for Sinestro in Green Lantern: Rebirth. Given that comparison, I would keep a close eye on the Reverse-Flash...
The Flash: Rebirth #6, although satisfying, leaves you hungry for more. The Flash Family are back, the Rogues are up to no good, and something's shaking in Gorilla City. With such radical new changes to the Flash mythos, will Geoff Johns be able to continue, and exceed, his reputation?
As the last panel reminds us: the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Art: 3 - Good
Well written review!