Review by: director421

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Story by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Nick Dragotta

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.50

REVIEW: EAST OF WEST #2 (Spoiler Free) 5/5

Issue two of East of West is quite simply one of the best comics on the shelves this week. Writer Jonathan Hickman’s set-up of “Death” being hunted down by the remaining three horsemen as they position the governmental power structure, to assure the destruction of all things, is both deeply engaging and exciting. Normally long sequences of dialogue bore me quickly but the the scene between Death and Chamberlin on the final six pages of this issue is some of the most riveting, tense, snappy and reveling dialogue I have ever read.

Hickman jumps seamlessly between sequences and character interaction drives the exposition. A story like this is ripe for third party narration and internal monologues but Hickman makes it irrelevant. Which makes his characters so rich and entertaining. The opening sequence of the three horsemen choosing a new president to make sure that “The Message” is fulfilled shows their determination and brutality. The meeting at Armistice with the six members of the inner circle introduces more of Hickman’s brilliant characterizations. The reveal in the final panels jump off the page with what it means and in it’s stark color shift. The pace is brisk and the plot dense but the whole time you feel like you speed through the book mainly because you become so immersed in the story.

The premise of this as a sci-fi western lends so much to the story. Death’s depiction as a gunslinger without rival makes him easily the star of the show. It’s a nice balance as the hand picked leaders live in enormous futuristic structures and travel in large space ships while Death and his Indian Nation partners hunt buffalo and camp on the open plains. Artist Nick Dragotta must be having a blast drawing such a dynamic because it shows. His lines are crisp with detail and depth. His characters faces are expressive and lively. The book is simply beautiful and the art is a perfect match for Hickman’s words.

East of West is a breath of fresh air. It’s unique, eye-catching, immersing and entertaining. Hickman and Dragotta have simply outdone themselves. It’s easily the best new book so far this year.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Great review mate its been a good start to what is set to be brilliant series from Hickman. Nice little change from his normal stuff and brilliant companion along side Manhatten Projects which is also excelent 🙂

  2. Hands down the best book of the year so far.

  3. I finally got around to reading both issue 1 and this issue. OUTSTANDING stuff. The story and premise are incredible and the art is beautiful. THIS is a book I wish came out more than once a month.

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