Review by: akamuu

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Writer: Garth Ennis
Penciller/Inker: John McCrea w/Keith Burns
Covers: Darick Robertson

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

“Not all self-examination is automatically self-indulgent you know.”

“Just most of it, aye?”

At least Ennis is aware of the problem with this issue. Whereas he usually uses action or reaction to show characterization, he will occasionally dwell on their mundanities:  their high school background, their favorite type of sandwich, why the prefer Monet to Manet.  This is one of those issues.  This issue would have fit right in earlier this year when The Boys completely stopped the action to give the origins of every character.  And, personally, I hated those arcs, and was glad when they returned to the plot.

The actual flashbacks in this issue were really interesting, but Hughie’s mountain conversation bored me, and the one page of Ennis violence wasn’t really shocking as it seemed to think it was.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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