Review by: ManofTomorrow

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Story by Andy Diggle
Art by Tony S. Daniel & Batt
Cover by Tony S. Daniel

Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99

Little late to the party but I just finished AC #19 and couldn’t wait to dig this thread up to offer my .2cents.

First off, I’m not the type of reader that gets upset at certain politics within the DC editorial machine. I’m the type of fan that will buy anything on the shelves regarding (especially) Superman and have read through some terrible, to okay, to so/so, to average, to good issues and never complained a single word that I can remember.

But maybe for the FIRST time, I was pissed off at DC editorial reading this issue. By far, and I’m confident in saying it, this was the absolute best issue of Superman I have read in Y-E-A-R-S. Absolutely spectacular in every sense of the word. The character development within the first few pages and the interaction and chemistry seeping out of the pages with Clark & Lois sure was fantastic and believable on so many levels.

Fresh bubbles to go along with superb panels and art (Tony S.D, I salute you) and Andy Diggle’s services (with only ONE issue) will be severely…. SEVERELY missed by this reader.

The pacing was perfect. The story, even better. The development and action scenes that came attached had my anticipation at an all time high turning the next page. I didn’t want this issue to end. Superman’s voice that Diggle created is so clean and to the point that I’ll go as far to say this is the best Superman voice I’ve seen be tackled in quite some time. I can go on and on but I really don’t want to ramble.

From Lois & Clark, to the setup to Jon Carrol, to Superman and the genius of THEE Lex Luthor, Superman was BACK in this issue for my taste.

Which brings me back to my original statement. As I said, I never got upset, EVER, with editorial or ever pointed a finger at certain (awful) creative teams. I’ve read Superman to be stagnant and going nowhere fast but I kept going back and accepting it. But AC#19 was so enjoyable and fresh to me that while reading it, I was kind of pissed off this new creative team and the MASSIVE potential that screams off the pages is no more after one brilliant issue.

I’ve read Superman #18 before AC #19. It was good at best but read like the typical Superman story we’ve seen repetitively (or so it felt.) Lobdell is hit or miss and the Congress meeting with Supes center-stage made the issue, but the rest was OKAY and a stale-likeable.

Go ahead and read Superman and then Action Comics and it’ll hit you smack-dab in the middle of the jaw the difference between OKAY vs PHENOMENAL in styles. Any issue of Superman up to this point doesn’t hold a CANDLELIGHT to Diggle’s first issue of AC. This team of Diggle and Daniel is immediately being swept right out from underneath us and all we will have to show for it is one excellent start to a once promising creative team. SHAME.

Daniel’s art is A-W-E-S-O-M-E and his Supes is wonderful. BADASS to say the least. I can’t wait to read his issue’s moving forward regardless of his “credibility” as a writer. Atleast we’ll be getting KICK ASS art for however how long DC will have him on the title.

Who knows what we will get next with yet ANOTHER shakeup, but I’m not too happy this team is going to be oh-so-short-lived. Quality and substance did the talking here and it finally hit me. Again, SHAME.

Action Comics #19. 10/10. THAT, was SUPERMAN ladies and gents. I’m happy to of read it.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I actually don’t mind Daniels writing, I bought every issue of his last “Detective Comics” run. There was only one or two I really disliked but the best were the ones where he could focus solely on the writing I must admit. The only thing that irked me about this issue was Lois and Clark flirting. Their marriage is over and them making googly eyes has been done over and over and over and over since the 40s. I wish Diggle could’ve thought of a different way to write their realationship.

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