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“Felicia” Makes Her Final Statement
This seems to be the biggest quiet rumble in comics I can think of. Over at Rich Johnston’s Lying in...
Trade Paperhack: The Return of iFanboy
Why do we do iFanboy? What was the point? Has anything really changed? Josh gets mushy.
Little English Girl Scared By Hulk Penis
In one of the most bizarre stories in recent memory, The Sun is reporting that a six year old girl, who was given a 12-inch Hulk doll won at a carnival, was stunned to find the doll to be anatomically correct underneath his purple pants.
Oneshots: Love Fights #1
Josh fell in love with this Astro City-esque take on the romance of everyday with superheroes getting in the way. And he wants you to read it too.
Trade Paperhack – One After Another
Apparently because he didn't have anything better to do, Josh muses on the idea of sequels and why they always seem worse than the original. Really fascinating stuff.