Comic Books


• The Secret Society strikes again—but who is the one member strong enough to ground The Savage Hawkman?

Story by Tom DeFalco
Art by Joe Bennet, Jack Jadson, Marc Deering, Tom Derenick, & Richard Zajac
Colors by Guy Major & Wes Dzioba
Letters by Travis Lanham
Cover by Joe Bennett, Art Thibert, & Guy Major

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. Wow. I have not been following this series, but I looked through this issue. Inconsistent art due to multiple artists, a story that just sort of meanders around, and a portrayal of Alzheimer’s that was borderline offensive. After Brightest Day, I though Hawkman was in the best place he’d been in years for some interesting stories. Then they ditched all of that in favor of this take on the character…

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