Comic Books


• It’s Swamp Thing vs. Superman for the fate of Metropolis—and why are all of Swamp Thing’s worst nightmares coming true?

• Plus: Who is the mysterious Capucine?

Story by Charles Soule
Art by Kano & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Andy Brase

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%


DavidClark05/05/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. Last issue felt more like the Swamp Thing that I would like to read, than the super hero that Synder tried to make him into.

  2. Avatar photo ochsavidare (@ochsavidare) says:

    I’ve not really come to term with Swamp Thing’s design in Snyder’s run. He looked way to animalistic for my taste, with the wings and antlers. Did it change with the new artist for #19? I have yet to read that one.

    • Yes the design was more “classic” Swampy. issue #19 was a true breath of fresh air. Snyder’s run collapsed under it’s own “epic-ness.” So far–and in just 24 pages or so — Soule has created a firm foundation of the new players, the new conflict etc. This was very well done. Really looking forward to #20.

    • I recall that he (Swamp Thing) was back in to his classic look as well in last weeks Justice League Dark #19.

    • Avatar photo ochsavidare (@ochsavidare) says:

      Just read #19 and I have to say that this felt more like the classic swamp thing that I like, both in terms of writing and in the art. I will definitely stay on this title for at least the first arc to see where it’s headed.

  3. I wasn’t sure about Soule and Kano last month but this issue built on what Snyder started and took a strong step in the right direction. Looking forward to #21!

  4. So, does Superman kill now? I mean, you don’t laser-eye somebody on a hunch assuming it’ll break them free of plant-coma-overload (which he admits was not his intention) and you certainly don’t do it for the fun of it…right?

  5. Really on the fence about picking this issue up. I didn’t care for the story last issue.

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