Working together to find a way back to their respective timelines, the Starfleet officers and Legionnaires have split into two teams, with members of both groups on each team.

One group travels back in time to the moment when their own histories were truncated and this new blended timeline came into being, while the other team travels to the heart of the Imperial Planets of Earth.

So as one team finds themselves witnessing what happened in the deep past to change history, the other team discovers the far reaching effects of the aftermath in the present.

Story by Chris Roberson
Art by Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters by Shawn Lee
Cover by Phil Jimenez

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. I’m enjoying the hell out of this crossover. Loved the scene in this issue where Chekov is bragging about all the stuff Russians (didn’t) actually invent and Cosmic Boy commenting about their respective Earth’s history being so different.

  2. Alas,the store where I get this comic mistakenly sold my copy, so won’t be getting mine until next week. 🙁

    I can’t help but think that shelf copies of this title would help create a buzz for this title. There are a lot of Trek fans and old-school LSH fans out there.

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