Article Archive

The Comic Shop Blues

A well-run comic store is a wonderful thing, but what do you do when your local comic shop isn’t living up to your expectations? Should we cut comic stores a little slack simply because they’re a dying breed?

Weekly Sketch Up – 05.24.2013

All comics edition!

The Best of the Week in Covers – 05.22.2013


Quicksilver to Appear in BOTH ‘Marvel’s The Avengers 2’ AND ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’?

“Appearing in two different movie universes (and counting) one after another isn’t going to help Quicksilver’s reputation as ‘fast.'” – Paul Montgomery

Marvel’s Next Big Thing: Quesada, Kelly and More on Disney XD’s ‘Marvel’s Avengers Assemble’

Quick, everybody in a circle!

Guest Column: A Tribute to Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern by Scott Kanter

Hal Jordan as co-pilot.

The Inhumans: Where Do I Start?

A secret race of mutated humans that act like the Bluths from ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT? Sold.

Great Moments in Comics History: G. I. Joe: Order of Battle #2 and #3

Rocky Balboa was a member of G. I. Joe for one whole month.

Jack Kirby’s Grandson Jeremy Kickstarts

Help us all learn a little more about the King.

On The Increasing Complexity of Origin Stories

You can never go home again, at least not without complicating things.