Article Archive

Heroes – S01E11 – Fallout

Chapter Eleven – Fallout It’s the last new Heroes until 2007! Tonight someone dies! It’ll be a minor character. Peter…

New Contest! Cast an Avengers Movie and Win Marvel Scene It!

We had so much fun with our last contest, we decided to have another one! This time, you don’t have…

iFanboy Wallpaper Contest Results!

The iFanboy Wallpaper Contest is over and we got some great entries! We loved seeing your Photoshop and artistic skills…

Marvel Scene It? Contest Reminder

Remember folks, you’ve got until Friday, December 1st at 5pm Eastern Standard Time (New York City time, for those who…

Heroes – S01E10 – Six Months Ago

Chapter Ten – Six Months Ago Tonight we follow Hiro back in time as he makes his, apparently unsuccessful, attempt…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey all! Happy Thanksgiving! Or if you’re not in the United States, happy Thursday! Seriously, I wanted to take a…

Heroes – S01E09 – Homecoming

Chapter Nine: Homecoming Okay, so TONIGHT is the night they finally start to gather together to Save the cheerleader, save…

Contest! Design iFanboy Wallpaper and Win ‘Marvel Scene It?’

You asked for them, so here they are! Enough people asked for some iFanboy wallpaper and we’re delivering! But we…

Smallville – S06E08 – Static

I have to admit that I am still behind on Smallville. I’ve got them scattered between my DVR and um……

Heroes – S01E08 – Seven Minutes to Midnight

Chapter 8: Seven Minutes to Midnight Apparently, tonight the gathering of… well, heroes, begins in earnest. That’s what I’ve heard,…