Article Archive

Smallville – S06E17 – Combat

Tonight’s episode: “Combat.” I’d like to apologize for getting this thread up late. It’s been so long since a new…

Did ‘Wizard’ engage in insider trading with ‘Captain America #25’?

That’s what some comic book retailers are asking in the aftermath of the frenzy for copies of Captain America #25….

Looks Like I’m VLOGHOT… Sorta…

As some of you have been aware, Valleywag has been having a contest to identify the “hottest” video bloggers. Last…

Is Ron the Vloghottest? You decide!

Thanks to a late push from parts unknown (possibly Long Island), Ron took the first heat in Valleywag‘s Hot Nerd…

Heroes – S01E18 – Parasite

Tonight’s episode: “Parasite.” And now finally we meet Linderman! They’ve built up Mr. Linderman since day one so this is…

WonderCon 2007 Wrap Up

“I have a really bad case of con legs right now.” That’s a text message I got from Ron about…

iFanboy at WonderCon 2007! (UPDATE)

Click here for information on the upcoming convention in San Francisco! UPDATE! With panel and party information. WonderCon 2007 March…

Heroes – S01E17 – Company Man

New York Comic Con 2007, Day 3 – Sunday

Put it in the books! iFanboy is hungry and tired (and Ron is possibly sick) and in the midst of…

New York Comic Con 2007, Day 2 – Saturday

Day two of the con is in the books and the iFanboys couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, we’re…