Article Archive

Smallville – S06E22 – Phantom

Tonight’s episode: “Phantom.” It’s the season finale and, if I’m not mistaken, J’onn J’onzz is back. This season lost a…

Heroes – S01E22 – Landslide

Tonight’s episode: “Landslide.” Word came down from NBC today that not only is Heroes returning next season (like that was…

Smallville – S06E21 – Prototype

Tonight’s episode: “Prototype.” Crap. I forgot to post this in time for the show. Again. But I’m still getting it…

Heroes – S01E21 – The Hard Part

Tonight’s episode: “The Hard Part.” The X-M– I mean, the Rising Sta–, I mean the Heroes only have three more…

Discussion: ‘Spider-Man 3’

Hey, True Believers! Spider-Man 3 is finally upon us! iFanboy is excited and will be catching a showing at 1pm…

Smallville – S06E20 – Noir

Tonight’s episode: “Noir.” We get all black and white this week as Smallville takes a trip back in time when…

Heroes – S01E20 – String Theory

Tonight’s episode – “String Theory.” This week we jump five years into the future after the heroes have failed to…

Smallville – S06E19 – Nemesis

Tonight’s episode: “Nemesis.” So… wait… Chloe is a super?? That’s what I get for not having watched since the JLA….

Heroes – S01E19 – .07%

Smallville – S06E18 – Progeny

Tonight’s episode: “Progeny.” It’s been almost a month since a new episode of Smallville so how do they make it…