WIN Free Tickets to ‘BEOWULF’ in IMAX! (UPDATE)

UPDATE! We’ve got all of our winners! Thanks everyone for sending in e-mails!

UPDATE! Clickthrough to meet the winners!

Want to see Beowulf in IMAX? Want to go for free? We’ve got five pairs of free IMAX tickets to see the movie which opens on 11/16/07! You’re talking about a movie by a group of people who created Back to the Future, The Sandman, and Pulp Fiction. It nearly has to be good.

Beowulf hits November 16th in both regular theaters as well as digital and IMAX 3D and stars Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Robin Wright Penn, Ray Winstone and is directed by Robert Zemeckis.

We will be giving away five pairs of IMAX tickets to the 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, and 25th e-mails to respond with the subject line BEOWULF. Send those e-mails to .

Don’t know if you live near an IMAX theater? Check here!

Good luck!

Here are the winners!

#01 – Kody Christoffer – Renton, WA
#05 – Ryan Haupt – Santa Cruz, CA
#10 – Miguel Katigbak – White Plains, NY
#20 – John Dropchuk – Chesterfield, MI
#25 – Michael Mastropietro

Thanks everyone who entered the contest — we were overwhelmed by the response! Look for more giveaways like this in the future.

If you are one of the winners you’ll be hearing from us shortly and will have your ticket info e-mailed to you. Congratulations!