User Reviews Promise To Win Nine Gold Medals in London

There were a lot of books to talk about this week, and so you did. Let’s get on with it.

Mart is saddened to find that with Booster Gold #11, he isn’t enjoying one of Chuck Dixon’s last DC stories.

Story: 2 / Art: 4

Reading this issue, though, has me wondering if the book should have ended with the loss of Katz and Johns — they gave Booster Gold a very high concept (time traveling saviour who must keep his good deeds secret) and perhaps only they can make it work.

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CammyKnoxville, is willing to go down whatever dark road Ben Templesmith is taking him with Welcome to Hoxfod #1.

Story: 4 / Art: 4

A majority of the time when I’m reading a horror comic, or a very graphic comic, I sometimes stop and ask myself; “What happened in this writer / artist ‘s life that made him what he is today?!”  Ben Templesmith is one of those people that comes across as “fucked-up” to me. Yet, I can’t help but love his gruesome art style.

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bakakaba has some super high praise for Golly #1.

Story: 5 / Art: 5

Mr Hester in his first issue has hooked me onto a great new world faster than anything I read since I picked up the first trade of The Walking Dead a couple years back.

Tork says if you like what Geoff Johns is doing over in that other book, you need to be reading
Green Lantern Corps #27.  I agree, Tork.

Story: 4 / Art: 4

Like the last few issues, GL Corps isn’t afraid to turn up the gore in a particular heart-wrenching and horrifying scene that’s painful to watch even if the intended targets of the tragedy are so far nameless rookies. It’s this kind of character development coupled with gut-wrenching action that makes this space epic/cop drama book so compelling to me.

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Alright, people. There are a few of the many. Get thee to the Comics Section, and review your comics, and check out all the reviews here.

And remember iFanboy reviews, intrepid lot you are…you complete us.








  1. Well, between Tork’s review and the SDCC interview with Tomasi, I feel like I’ve been missing out on GL Corps.  Thanks for the heads up!

  2. The Warriors bar is back, people! It’s easy to see GLC as an also-ran, but it’s doing it’s own thing and doing it well.

  3. GL Corps has been awesome.  Everyone should go out and buy last issue to see Mongul get f’ed up.  It’s awesome.

  4. Gl corps has been good.  This week started a storyline where someone is going around killing the families of the Green Lanterns.  And something is brewing with the Lanterns who have died in the line  of duty.

  5. Neb OTM as usual. GLC is all kinds of awesome.


  6. Woo-hoo!  My review was noticed!