The iFanboy 2007 Convention Schedule

Where will the iFanboys be appearing in 2007? Click to find out…

Last year iFanboy made our regular pilgrimage to San Diego and were on hand for the disaster that was the New York Comic Con. This year, we’re spreading our wings a bit. We also wanted to create a place where people could make their own convention plans known and where plans could be made to meet up. If you are going to be attending any of these cons, let us (and everyone else) know!

iFanboy’s 2007 Convention Schedule

New York Comic Con

• February 23-25, 2007 – New York, NY
• Official iFanboy Meet Up!
Location: Rudy’s Bar & Grill
627 9th Avenue
New York, NY 10036
(212) 974-9169
Date: February 24, 2007
Time: TBD

Wonder Con

• March 2-4, 2007 – San Francisco, CA
• We are co-sponsoring a party with James Sime from Isotope Comics on Saturday night.
• iFanboy will be participating in a panel discussion on podcasting on Sunday.
• Details on both to follow.

Heroes Con (Tentative)

• June 15-17, 2007 – Charlotte, NC
• We’re leaning towards attending this Con. As soon as we know, you’ll know.

San Diego Comic-Con

• July 25-29, 2007 – San Diego, CA
• We’re planning an Official iFanboy Meet Up at a bar near the convention for Saturday night.
• There will most likely be a repeat of last year’s all-star panel discussion on comic book podcasting, which we will participate in again.
• Details on both once we get closer to the convention date.