Robert Kirkman’s New Book: SUPER DINOSAUR with Jason Howard

CBR has got the scopp on Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard's new book: Super Dinosaur.

Th duo last worked together on Astonishing Wolf-Man. Super Dinosaur is an all-ages book that Kirkman calls "a Pixar movie on paper." (For those who can't read between the lines that means that no one is going to get punched through the face in this one.) It features Derek Dynamo and his best friend Super Dinosaur, a genetically altered Tyrannosaurus Rex.

You can head on over to CBR to read more about it


  1. Super Cool!

  2. The T-Rex is using a controller with his itty bitty arms for those giant mechanical ones. That is ALL kinds of awesome.

  3. I guess the all-ages tag is gonna keep this well separate from the Invincible Universe. It’s really good to see such excellent creators working on this type of book. Fingers crossed it sells.

  4. This. Sounds. Awesome!

  5. hey that sounds pretty cool! Will be interested in hearing more.

    But since we all know what eventually happens to dinosaurs, that kinda kills the Kirkman spoiler rules…. =) 

  6. I’m going to give this a go. When Guarding the Globe finishes I need another fun book.

  7. Aaaand soold. Sounds good and it’ll be nice to buy another book I can pass off to my little brother.

  8. Haha, that T-Rex design brings a massive smile to my face.

  9. I don’t know what to make of this but Ill give it a go.

  10. Cool.  What’s with Kirkman and the SD named characters?  Science Dog?  I know two characters hardly makes a streak but come on?!?

  11. Kirkman is going to use a T-Rex and it’s not going to be bloody? Boo!!

  12. Holy piss! Coolest dinosaur in a comic since the venom t-rex in old man logan

  13. What about the one Bane is riding in Secret Six nowadays, which has a mouthful of Warlord Catman on the follow-up. That is a sweet T-Rex as well.

  14. @JimBilly4  It is pretty sweet, but it doesn’t match these two for sheer lunacy

  15. Can I sign up for my Ultimate Collection now?  Or do I have to wait?

  16. I like how the T-Rex is consciously controlling his arms to swing back and forth so he can properly pull off the classic superhero epic walk.

  17. @ato220  It’s not SD names he uses, it’s “Nail on the head” names.  Invincible is Invincible, Wolf-Man is a Wolf-Man, Battle Pope is a Battle Pope, Science Dog is a Science Dog, Tech Jacket has a Tech Jacket. I appreciate it!

  18. Im sold. Of course in all honesty though Robert Kirkman could put his name on used toliet paper and I would probably buy it.

  19. In addition to Walking Dead money- he’s looking for some of that Ben 10 cut now.

    Cartoon network-  Don’t make a Kirkman powder up the hand.


  21. Is that a robot Turkey?

  22. pass

  23. Interesting.

  24. No one is safe!!!

  25. This is awesom, but I’ll buy anything from Robert Kirkman.

  26. I wish this would be All Ages but inappropriate. : P

  27. Is that an Allen the Alien pokeman?

  28. the simplicity and genius of this title brought a smile to my face.  In fact, the more I think about it I start to laugh (not at it, but with it).  It will be nice to see how creative Kirkman and Howard will get with an all ages title.  Should be fun!

  29. An all-ages book? Does that mean we won’t see any dinosaur sex scenes?

  30. By the way…I’ve been thinking about getting Kirkman’s Marvel Team-up TPB.  Who has read it and would you suggest checking it out, even though I’m not a huge Marvel fan?

  31. …or Irredeemable Ant-man?

  32. Dinsoaurs. Are those gonna be the next big thing after Zombies and Vampires?

    @jwaesch: I liked the first issues of Team Up. The final wasn’t that good, though. Irredeemable Ant-Man was lots of fun. And looked great. No need for much Marvel knowledge for that one, too.

  33. Kirkman= Must buy! What can I say, I’m a zombie for his work……… 

  34. @Bendrix  Thanks for the heads up.  I’ll probably go with Ant-man before Team-up.

    Also, Dinosaurs were, and always will be the Big Thing before Zombies and Vampires! 

  35. Hey look it a T-Rex but he doesn’t look menacing enough. I know lets give him robot arms! GENIUS! I don’t know if I’ll pick this up becasue I’m trying to trim my pull list but it looks good.

  36. wow. cool.

  37. lmao.

  38. I’ll give this a shot!