PREVIEW: Captain America and the Secret Avengers #1

Here's a glance at Captain America and the Secret Avengers #1 from writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and pencils by Greg Tocchini. In this one Black Widow and Agent 13 take on some killer teen girls. It's out on March 30, and I'm just happy to get some more Tocchini in my comics.




  1. Looks really nice. I’m not going to pick up all of the 70th Anniversary stuff, but will definitely give this one a shot.

  2. looks interesting, will def give it a look

  3. Hot damn that looks purty!

  4. chick lit

  5. i love this art

  6. The art looks nice, but I’m surprised that they would release these as the pages to get people excited for the book – without words it’s just repeating moments with no action to grab a potential buyer who’s on the fence. Whoever is in charge of marketing for this title needs some job counciling….

  7. Is this the retitle of Secret Avengers?

  8. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @jono87  Nope. Different title.