Marvel Announces SPIDER-ISLAND

This is no dream. This is no hallucination. New York is being over-run by spiders.

Well, sort of.

Word is coming out of the House of Ideas that the next story-arc of Amazing Spider-Man will see the citizens of Manhattan island getting infected by the wall-crawlers own powers. Going under the title "Infected", this story-arc by longtime Spidey creators Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos will see Spider-Man trying to stem the tide of a spider-powered crime wave while also trying to get to the bottom of this "revoltin' development" as fellow NYC-ite the Thing would say.

There's no word to the whereabouts of the residents on Yancy Street, but this comic book event will go beyond Spider-Man's world and include the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, Venom, Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman and even long-time foes the Sinister Six.

Look for the first outbreak of Spidey's "Infested" storyline to begin in April's Amazing Spider-Man #659 and more in the Free Comic Book Day 2011 edition of Amazing Spider-Man on May 7th.


  1. Hmm I have really been liking Slott at the helm here, but I hope this turns out bette than when the everyone was turned into symbiotes.

  2. saw the ad in one of my comics yesterday. Could be cool. So i guess this means that Big Time is over? I thought it was supposed to go on for a while. 

  3. I just jumped on the ASM band wagaon a couple of issues ago and this looks good. I’ve become a big fan of Dan Slott’s becasue you can always tell he has fun when he’s writing becasue it shows in his work.

  4. From everything I’ve read and seen about this, I think it sounds pretty cool, can’t wait!!!!

  5. Spider woman is wearing a scarlet spider hoodie! I hope every Spidey event could lead to a Scarlet Spider revival.

  6. That ad (or cover?) on this page looks really, really stupid. Ramos just doesn’t work for me as a Spider-Man artist. 

  7. @TheNextChampion  –i disagree..i just loved his stuff in Big Time.

  8. did the article say that there is going to be a sinister six book?

  9. @theNextChampion- well said 

  10. @TheNextChampion I love the theme of it. It’s silly and thought provoking. But there is a whooole lot about Spider-man that ramos just can’t seem to get right. And i HATE the way he draws teeth. the hell is wrong with those damn TEETH!?

  11. Scarlet Spider-Woman! HAHAHAHAA