Heroes – S01E20 – String Theory

Tonight’s episode – “String Theory.”

This week we jump five years into the future after the heroes have failed to save the world (saving the cheerleader took a lot out of them, apparently).

So last week there was bit of Watchmen aping and tonight it’s… Days of Future Past? Well, if you gotta borrow, might as well borrow from the greats, right?

I have a feeling I’m going to love the show tonight. I’m a sucker for time shifting and glimpses into possible futures. It gets me every time. I’m also looking forward to grizzled, badass Hiro Protag– I mean, Hiro Nakamura.


  1. I’m also looking forward to grizzled, badass Hiro Protag– I mean, Hiro Nakamura.

    You and me both brother

  2. Jimski, it’ll be on iTunes. and if u know where to look, you’ll be able to find an HD version online as well.

  3. UGH, no satellite signal! Now, I’ll never get to see it! Until it’s on Sci-Fi. Or NBC.com. Or iTunes. Or they rerun it.

    The 21st century is awesome.

  4. That was awesome!

  5. That was awesome–totally Days of Future Past/Age of Apocalypse–that was awesome. I love this show!!

  6. I usually don’t post until the next day, but I had to tonight. Wow. Incredible. I can’t believe how good that was. And there are 3 episodes left? I can’t imagine how they top this one. And I usually despise time travel stories. Seeing a confident Peter kick much ass was very cool. They only minor gripe I had was that I expected Hiro to fight more like Nightcrawler with the sword. But that only made it a 9.95 instead of a 10.

    Much like last week, you can see that this is heavily influenced by comics. Days of Future Past, Rising Stars, a little JLU, etc. But it didn’t matter. It rocked. I can’t imagine how awesome that must have been for someone who has never read a comic before. I time-shifted 24 instead of this and I am glad I did.

    I have one question, though. Does this episode disprove Linderman’s theory? I think it does.


    I loved the episode, but other than Nathan being Sylar and killing Claire, I felt as if this was nearly identical to something I’ve seen or read. It was great, but I also found I wasn’t affected by too many deaths because we know something totally different will happen at the end of the season(even if all those people still die, it’ll be different).

  8. Best Episode EVER!

    Holy Crap Batman! That was sooo good.


  9. Okay, some thoughts now that I finished cleaning the crap out of my shorts.

    So, future Sylar finally gets Clair and, with her, a key power. We then see future Hiro bite it. Outside of the room, future Peter and Sylar rumble. Is any of this still relevant? If future Sylar wins the fights with Peter, he basically has control of everything with future Hiro’s brain lying there on the floor in the other room. Sylar could travel back and make mess of things. This probably won’t be addressed though.


  10. it was a good episode but i dont think they handled time travel very well. i thought it was a standard in sci-fi/fantasy to believe that when you change the past the future changes around it, so when they end up saving Clair in this present wouldn’t that affect the future we saw? maybe im reading too deep into this, but clair is stil alive and future Hiro said he stabbed Sylar with his sword so wouldn’t Sylar not have the regenitive powers?

    my head starts to hurt when i think about time travel……

  11. One other comment, the whole controlling of “specials” felt very much like a rehash of the X-men movie/Days of future past, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but at some moments i felt like sentinels where going to rip open a rooftop and grab Hiro, Ando and Peter

  12. I was actually watching this episode at a friends house less than a block away from the middle school in Santa Cruz (where the kid sucked up all the oxygen killing everyone) so that was cool just to start it off.

    Fantastic episode, quite possibly surpassing the glory that was Season 1 of LOST. There, I said it.

    I love the subtle touches of this show that show how much care and effort is put into making it. Like showing how Nathan breaks the sound barrier when he gets to flying.

    And Peter not even breaking stride to take out that guard was monumentally glorious. I’m glad we only get little tid-bits of Peter’s full potential. Power like that should be rationed out carefully so the character doesn’t get stale.

    Ok, getting light-headed now. Not sure if it’s excitement of some O2 sucking mutant.

  13. I love the subtle touches of this show that show how much care and effort is put into making it. Like showing how Nathan breaks the sound barrier when he gets to flying.

    Yeah, stuff like that makes the show that much better.

  14. I think this has been the greatest, most exciting episode…obviously it wouldn’t have been if not for the previous 19…