Happy Thanksgiving 2007 From iFanboy!

We’d like to take a moment and wish a Happy Thanksgiving to those members of the iFanboy faithful here in the United States, as well as use it as an excuse to thank EVERYONE around the world. When asked what we’re thankful for, aside from Green Arrow/Black Canary, it is YOU. Without you enjoying our shows and taking part in the discussion, we’d be nothing, so thank you iFanboy Faithful!

With that, we have a Thanksgiving treat. I know you’ve seen it before, but it’s always a classic. I present to you, the Marvel Super Heroes float from the Macy’s

Thanksgiving Day Parade – 1987:

Some random thoughts while watching:

• I love how Captain America literally jumps from the pages of the comics.
• Is that the White Queen?
• Whoa, what is Robocop doing there?
• Apparently Luke Cage (or Power Man) was a badass 20 years ago too.
• Wait a minute, The Hulk is a villain? Geez look at those gamma ray affected eyebrows.


  1. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  2. Ahh…my second favorite American Thanksgiving tradition..Pure cheese, Marvel style.

    Enjoy the holiday everyone.

  3. First of all, wow, that was bad. Second, the Back to the Future music!? Marvel couldn’t rip something less noticeable off?

    Oh, where was Spider-man???

  4. Why is Luke Cage not considered one of MArvel’s mainstream charachters? They need to get him out there more so he can get the recognition he deserves as being an awesome charachter.

  5. Dr. Strange’s Greenwich pad is exactly as I always imagined… Only shorter…

  6. This was SO out of continuity 😉 Ha ha…

    I hope Cap was able to get Marty back to the Clock Tower before 10:03…


  7. Captain America! Wolverine needs your help!

    That was indeed the White Queen, who can turn her skin as hard as diamond, get into your head, and apparently shoot silly string from her finger tips.

  8. That is the true embodiment of Thanksgiving.

    When you sit down for dinner tonight, please think about Captain America and Luke Cage’s valiant battle to keep a miniature version of New York safe.

    God Bless us, Everyone!

  9. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Ah…..to be four again.

    Happy Turkey Day, folks!

  11. So is that when Luke Cage became a skrull?

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. A very Happy Thanksgiving to all those dwelling stateside. For those not, well it’s nearly the weekend so everybody wins!

    Question for Thanksgivingers: If turkey is the tradional meat of thanksgiving, is it also the main meal at xmas? That’s a lot of turkey in the space of a month!

    All the best everyone!!!

  13. Let’s celebrate! Who’s reading scalp?

  14. Hmmm…White Queen, but no Spider-Man. That’s okay, ROBOCOP was there! I don’t really get it… But fun to watch nonetheless.

  15. I too am confused by the usage of the Back To The Future music…oh well. 1.21 giga-watts…GREAT SCOTT!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  16. Question for Thanksgivingers: If turkey is the tradional meat of thanksgiving, is it also the main meal at xmas? That’s a lot of turkey in the space of a month!

    idk if that was rhetorical. I can’t speak for everyone but in my house Christmas dinner isn’t nearly as big a deal as Thanksgiving dinner. I think my family does roast beast with the grinch…

    Okay so the Captain America in this video looks super skinny in the suit but that frieken’ shield, whether on his back or his arm, somehow manages to keep that little guy looking badass. Oh Cap. How I love thee. Why did you have to leave us….?

  17. “If turkey is the tradional meat of thanksgiving, is it also the main meal at xmas?”

    Cheese is a kind of meat,
    a tasty yellow beef,
    I milk it from my teat,
    but I try to be discreet.

    Oooohhhh cheese! Ooohhhh cheese!

  18. Ahhh, The Boosh…

    “Everybody look at the moon!
    Everybody look at the moon!
    The moon is bright
    So milky white…
    Everybody look at the moon!”

  19. Now if only World War Hulk had been that gripping.

  20. “”Everybody look at the moon!
    Everybody look at the moon!
    The moon is bright
    So milky white…
    Everybody look at the moon!””

    You done a song!

  21. Is it just me, or does the Hulk look like one of those old grouchy critics that sat in the balcony on the Muppet Show?

    Wow, who would not KILL for a playset that cool? (That is what it looks like, a big kid’s playset, especially Dr. Strange’s house). The fight choreography – also reminiscent of a kid’s backyard (or front yard, or in the street).

    I can’t remember who the blond woman in green is supposed to be, at the beginning of the video, but she looks like a man in drag…

    Dr. Doom – Oh, such a ham. I love when he get’s knocked through the railing he gives a kind of flourish with his arm… Robocop is obviously there to turn off the thing that was just KILLING Dr. Doom (what a HAM).

    Yeah, that’s Emma – hard as diamond, telepath, looking somewhat bored as she shoots forth her silly string…

    Happy Thanksgiving Everybody from Tokyo!
    Thanks for the CHEESE on video, I can never get enough CHEESE in Tokyo!

  22. “I can’t remember who the blond woman in green is supposed to be, at the beginning of the video, but she looks like a man in drag…”

    [And, pssst! Robocop would’ve been licensed at the time!]

    … I’ve lost the will to live…

  23. You gotta love the high-budget effects for Dr.Strange’s levitating act. He then tells Captain America to help Wolverine out of an extreme Enchantress handshake. Look at the top of the screen while Captain is fighting the Hulk. It looks like Daredevil “The Man Without Fear” is a little hesitant about sliding down the pole to help Cap, who ends up knocking the Hulk onto the Green Goblin and Dr. Doom.

  24. “You done a song!”

    Jupiter… You ain’t got one!