Draw Supergirl Meme is on Fire!

A while back we reported on the Batgirl redesigns fans took like wildfire too. Well, they’re at it again. This time with Supergirl.

Thanks to Sy the Intern for the tip.

Talk about a great way to waste time at work! I could browse all these designs all day — it’s hard to even pick my favorite… I love costume designs… too bad I have no artistic ability whatsoever.


  1. How does one become an intern?

    Tou guys have so many!

  2. >How does one become an intern?

    All you need is drive, dedication, and a little elbow grease. Sometimes a Shop-Vac comes in handy.

  3. Sometimes a Shop-Vac comes in handy.

    I don’t even want to ask

  4. So, are these just sketches done by fans or are these changes legit? I’m probably just stupid, but I can’t figure it out. The first pic on the front page is cool…it looks very Jeff Smith-ish.

    Honestly, I have a high interest in costume designs, but low interest in this character. Basically, I’m bored enough to care.

  5. I like the one by Dean Trippe that started this whole meme. The guy has a very Darwyn Cooke feel. Anyone know of any comics he’s actually done?

  6. did he used to run Pan Am?

  7. [I like the one by Dean Trippe that started this whole meme. The guy has a very Darwyn Cooke feel. Anyone know of any comics he’s actually done?]

    Dean can be found in Superior Showcase #1, which has not only an awesome Butterfly story, but also a great story by Mike Dawson! The Nick Bertozzi story is great too, so it’s a must own all the way.

    This is his site: http://tencentticker.com/deantrippe/

    This is his webcomic, Butterfly:

    And here is Project Rooftop, which, if you like the Supergirl meme, this is right up your alley:

  8. i/did he used to run Pan Am?/i

    the airline?