DC Digital Comics Storefront Now on Comixology

DC Co-Publisher Jim Lee announced on The Source blog that DC, along with Comixology, has officially opened the virtual doors of the DC Digital Comics Store. This is the first major milestone for DC's digital publishing plan that started back in June with the release of the DC Comics iPhone app.

Since the new storefront is part of DC's existing Comixology presence, users can access any of the comics they've purchased from both their home computers and their mobile devices – making it really easy for you to get a hold of, and keep track of, all your digital comics.

"At the end of the day, we really do strive to make the DC Digital Offerings reflect not just the very best works of DC Comics but what YOU, the reader, wants out of very your own DC Digital Comics Experience," said Lee.

As part of its grand opening, the publisher is now offering digital versions of The Dark Knight Returns, Death of SupermanSuperman: For Tomorrow, Identity Crisis, Transmetropolitan, The Invisibles, The Authority and 100 Bullets. These are all big titles. Not just well known, but critically acclaimed works.

Not to mention at least one title, Justice League: Generation Lost, is available day-and-date. And everything is now on a centralized platform that you can access from almost anywhere (assuming you have an iPhone or iPad handy).

Any way you look at it, DC just took a big step into the 21st century and got real serious about digital comics.


  1. Cool. I’ve always bemoaned digital comics but now that I have an iPhone my tune may be changing a bit. I’m still buyin the bulk of my books at my LCS. But now I may be more inclined to try something I wouldn’t normally pick up at the store. Good news.


  3. It’s very cool you can get these directly from dccomics.com now, but we’ve been able to buy all these comics online directly from Comixology (both on the web and on your iWhatever) for months now.

  4. @gobo – Then perhaps I should have posted "CONTINUALLY!" instead.

  5. Meh.  I’m still disappointed by the fact that I heard Lee at more than one DC Nation panel talk about how they were going to really puch the boundaries of Digital and do something new.  He went on and on about how taking pre-existing comics and making them digital was boring and that DC was going to do more.

    Still waiting Jim… 

  6. @jmstump – Perhaps the Justice League: Generation Lost was that first step?  How much longer til Batman is available the same day?

  7. Very, very cool – I’ve yet to really take the plunge into DC stuff but this will help me a lot when I jump on

  8. Missing from this announcement however is the ability to actually download and keep the issues outside of the comixology application infrastructure, also – not to light another fire as this has been discussed many times but it hard to justify full $1.99 pricing for old issues.  If I can still buy the trades for a lower price point per issue than I will.

  9. android better get on this crap soon!!!!  

  10. Love this news. I’m not a major digital fan, as I love the book in my hand, but now I am no longer stuck to a tiny Ipod screen, but my home computer and laptop. Multi platform is the way to go! All my DC comics in one accessible place. This is great news. Well done Jim. They promise android will follow soon too!

  11. @LostArtist – Agreed.  That is a potentially HUGE untapped market.

  12. love it

  13. Comixology and the DC App made my iPad the coolest toy in the house.

    I hadn’t read comics since I was a kid – Started with the iPhone apps, then after seeing my comics on the iPad – it got real serious.  I found a really nice local comic shop, Wednesday is my new favorite day of the week, and my wife likes me blowing my extra cash on comics much better than some of the alternatives.

    Digital Comics changed my life.