Darick Robertson NOT leaving The Boys

Yesterday, news broke that Darick Robertson, artist and creator of The Boys was out of there. 

But before we even had a chance to post about that, it turns out he's taking it back. He's taking it all back.

From his post at the Standard Attrition message board, he says:

"I have screwed up. I made several severely off-handed comments here on the "Standard Attrition" forum regarding my upcoming work on The Boys. These comments were born of my personal frustration with the monthly schedule and the pressure I have been under trying to meet it. I need to make things clear.

To begin, I am NOT leaving the The BOYS and I have not been permanently replaced. Nobody at Dynamite wants this and we are continually reworking the schedule and the artist line-up so that I can draw the best issues I can create. Every decision at Dynamite is made with me included."

So while it seemed that yesterday, Robertson was off as of issue #43, with Russ Braun taking over, but it seems as though we've all spoken too soon.  Darick got a little frustrated with his inability to meet a monthly deadline, and spoke a bit out of turn on the web.  We've all done that.  He'l be drawing the Butcher mini-series, as long as that takes him, and he'll return when he's able. 

It's actually really nice to see the candor that Robertson showed in his post.  Things can get hard, and then fans will be all over your stuff.  Dynamite has clearly made the committment to get this book out there every month, on time, and that should be lauded.  From the artist perspective, it can also be grueling.  43 issues is almost 4 years, and it never gets faster, and it never gets easier, and one slip, and the fans are at your throat.  Put yourself in those shoes and see if you ever have an off moment.

So there you go. Nothing to see here.  Move along.


  1. make up your mind man…..! This comic should be called the lost boys now!

  2. Most of the response I’ve seen from fans have actually been positive in Robertsons favor.  A lot of people appeared to be okay with waiting till he was ready to come back.  The main understanding seemed to be that he’s still working on The Boys with the Butcher Mini and that’s okay.

    It’s just a little odd how quickly this turned around and is in such a weird state now.

  3. This book suffers a lot I feel when Robertson isn’t on it. I loved the Payback arc but I felt like this book is just as much Robertson’s as it is Ennis’s and that arc would have benefited more if he was on it. Glad to see how he handled the situation.

  4. This is good news. Not necessarily a bad move from a business perspective. Boys fans will have to keep buying the ongoing … but will also seriously consider the Butcher mini …

    Also, I keep reading comments that The Boys will be wrapping up soon, but can’t find anything "official" on any blogs or even at Dynamite’s website. It seems like the current arc couldn’t possibly be the last … but I’m wondering if you know anything.

  5. Robertson leaving would have been terrible news.

  6. @cahubble09  Darick did a sketch for me at WonderCon and when I asked him how many issues The Boys would go he said 70 issues was the plan as of now. 

    As for delays, I kinda wish DR wasn’t doing the Butcher mini.  I’m looking forward to the John McCrea Hughie mini and would have enjoyed some other frequent Garth Ennis collabrator like Goran Parlov or Steve Dillion to do the Butcher one, but what the hell I’ll still get both.