Comic Artists Hidden In Johnny Cash Project

The Johnny Cash Project is a communal art project, where contributors on the web can each take a single frame of the video for Ain't No Grave and sketch it out in their own style.  When played back, the whole thing becomes completely unique and unlike anything else.

This morning, I found out that some of our favorite artists have panels frames in the project. Check out Sean Phillips' frame. On the site, you can animate it as he drew it.

Then, there's Jock's frame, #722.

Let us know if you find anyone else in there, and we'll post them up. We're still looking for McKelvie's.


  1. This is incredible. As a Cash and comics fan thank you for pointing it out

  2. Thats simply Amazing. Thank you for posting this. 

  3. I’m no world-famous comic artist, but I did frame #1230:

  4. when i saw the title i the post i thought some comic artists made cameos in a Johnny Cash comic – i also thought that was the less inteesting thing i have never heard.

    This, however, is pretty cool.

    It’s funny how Johnny Cash has become this icon of the Gen X’ers

  5. That’s absolutely amazing.  Just…wow. 

  6. A real innovation and a great tribute.His comeback was awesome too, you tell me you didn’t squirt a few tears to the ‘Hurt’ video!

  7. Comeback would imply he ever went away.

  8. I did Frame #987 and was asked to do a couple more so I added frames #365 #887 #1300 #1369. You can find screen shots on my blog

     The Project is fantastic and I hope they do another one.