Chris Samnee Provided Art for New Jon Stewart Book

On his blog yesterday, Chris Samnee shared that he had contributed some art to Jon Stewart and the Daily Show's Earth (The Book). Even more impressive was the fact that Chris completed the work while en route to his new home in comic book city, Portland, OR, while staying in hotel rooms.

The assignment: what would happen if people had superpowers in reality? Well, they wouldn't go out saving people.


  1. oh man, that’s awesome

    also i totally forgot this was out. To Amazon!

  2. I was wondering who drew that. Great work, thanks for letting us know. Also get it on Amazon since its about marked down to half price.

  3. Immediately thought of the Green Lantern. Heh.

  4. I definitely was going to buy this sooner or later. Now it’s sooner.