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Name: Vernon Owens




There’s a scientific theory called the R-complex or the Triune Theory that suggests our brains evolved from a visceral reptilian-esque…

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I’ve yet to finish my stack, but I don’t see anything topping this.  This is definitely my POTW.  The story…

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I started collecting this series one issue before the ‘6 Gun War’ started.  Having watched old westerns while growing up,…

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vadamowens's Recent Comments
May 26, 2016 6:35 pm Ok. You mentioned your girlfriend's reaction of the podcast and my wife had the same reaction as well. I text a friend saying "I don't think this show is accessible to a non-reader". That will be a serious problem if it's not fixed.
May 26, 2016 3:31 pm Lol. Seriously.
May 26, 2016 1:07 pm I pretty much mirror your sentiments about the pilot. My only disagreement is Tulip. She doesn't seem to fit just yet. There are some things I'm just not sure how they're gonna do, if at all. Specifically regarding Christ's descendants.
May 22, 2016 8:54 pm A very tearful "thanks".
May 22, 2016 6:49 pm You guys are fucking pros. Proud to be an iFanboy contributor!!!
May 16, 2016 2:40 pm I just realized I contradicted myself. What I mean is I can relate to his angst over a "bad movie". But there is a bar of expectations in the quality of a critique and his assessment was below that bar.
May 16, 2016 2:13 pm It was jarring, but I dismissed it as "Ron is Ron". I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. I just mean I don't agree with Ron on a great deal of comic, music and movie related topics. Although I didn't like how he handled BvS, when they released their podcast on First Class, which he loved, I would've said "It was absolute garbage!" as well. Regardless, iFanboy is not the same without him. But you're right, it could've been handled better.
May 16, 2016 1:18 pm I am critical of work that I think needs to be critiqued. For me that is mostly dramas. I'm not saying that you can't critique any movie because of course you can and I do as well. But I have different measuring bars for different types of movies. For action and comic movies I don't look for plot holes because I don't care. The only determining factor for the success of a movie in my book is, "did I like it?" Marvel movies are fun and I honestly haven't graded a single one lower than a C-. My friend was disappointed with Prometheus when he saw it and had built it up to be the second coming of Christ in his mind before seeing it. I had two criteria for that movie. Did it make me feel isolated and claustrophobic like the original Alien? Yes. Did I enjoy the shit out of it? Yes. Some people prefer movies one way and others have different means of measurement. For me, action movies are fun or not fun. That's pretty much it for my end.
May 9, 2016 1:02 pm Does that song feel like "Maneater" to anyone else?
May 4, 2016 1:03 pm See I haven't read it yet due to DCBS. So I wouldn't have known that. Thanks again.