
Name: Luis Roman


skin's Recent Comments
January 9, 2011 12:07 pm

The problem is that Jason Aaron got hold of the dick from the wrong end and unfortunely came all over himself. Simply because what Alan Moore is saying is this:

If the top two (Marvel/DC) within the comic industry have great or good standard writers (Which OFF CAUSE they do…ALAN MOORE does not deny that) then what the hell are they making them do? Other then to GRAVE-ROB past great works…INSTEAD of making them or Commissioning them to write great present actual works that relate to TODAY'S society…other then rehashing works of the great writers of the past (whose works where revoluntionary for those audiences of past generational societies {i.e. It related to them because it was done at the time of THEIR GENERATION}, Whereas ALAN MOORE is saying BOLLOCKS to that Grave robbing).

And the sad fact is that the GREAT gifted present young and not so young writers such Aaron, Burbaker, Ennis, Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, Waid, Ellis, Busiek, Morrison, Dan slot, Peter David, Straczynski, James Robinson, Paul Dini, Q.Miller, Gail Simone, Kieron Gillen and so fucking on… For none, of them as matter how much I love their works…”and man do I”.(and I put that in there as a hope that they will), have come up with a piece of work unto itself that has captured both socially politically religiously the PRESENT MODERN 21st GENERATION for both the comic reader and more importantly the none comic reading public, a book that brings in all the aesthetic anguishes of the every person dealing with the NOT so every person. A comic book that is a work sustained of itself and no other… in other words a BLOODY Novel.

For to DO that! One must not raid the bleeding past but rather the FUCKING present…And THAT’S what Alan Moore has been saying for years…STOP grave-robbing, stop working with material that’s already been done and dusted with…for come up with your own shite and with that in mind just maybe just maybe by sheer skill and a wee bit of luck you might just be able to produce a piece of comic book literature as GREAT as the greats have done in the past.   

As for if Alan Moore was a young writer today? Well he would be the comic book genius writer of the early 21st Century rather then the genius comic book writer of the late end of the 20th Century. Genius is Genius no matter what colour or century it lives in.

And the thing is Jason Aaron knows all this shite, but he did what he did because he wanted to generate publicity for himself, so therefore he can get certain works from certain comic book publishers at the start off this New Year while then jacking up the his price tag, and he did all of this by twisting what Alan Moore had said in an interview that had NOTHING to do with him. But hay, if you are that desperate to get a gig and raise your price tag in the bargain too …… well I guess that’s just Jason Aaron ways of doing things. As for Jason Aaron saying “Am gonna stop reading Alan Moore” that's the same as Ron Richards saying “AM gonna stop reading the X-MEN”….yeah right! nuff said