
Name: Zach Wilkerson



love parallel world stories. I’m a huge fan of the TV show Fringe, and this issue shares several story beats…

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I love this book. If I could only buy one comic a month, it would probably be this book. This…

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sirfox89's Recent Comments
February 6, 2013 12:56 pm Completely opinion, I personally though that issue #15 was a fantastic issue. I loved the back story it gave for the 5th dimension stuff and the love story between Mrs. Nyxly and Mr. Mxyzpptlk, especially in the back up feature. It, along with issues 5, 6 , 9, and 13, are my favorites of the entire run, and I can't wait to see how Morrison wraps it all up.
January 8, 2013 12:43 pm I'm pretty sure the whole "soul particle" thing on page 35ish (page 20 in digital) is the answer to how this thing is all going to wrap up. I'm a longtime fan of Spider-Man but a pretty new reader of his comics, and I don't see the big problem with all this. It's just a story, it'll play out, and Peter will be back. As long as the writing/characters/story is cool and compelling, then there's nothing to complain about.
November 19, 2012 1:39 pm I'm EXTREMELY conscious of the price of my comics. I'm a recent college grad getting ready for grad school and also recently married, so money is definitely tight. I use DCBS for all the books I get in print and wait a month for my digital books to price drop. Of all publishers, Marvel is the one that makes me throw frugality to the wind. I hate their practice of double shipping $3.99 books and refuse to pick up the books that follow that model (with the exception of the X-Men books). I also bite the bullet and pick up the few Marvel digital titles I get at full price, as it takes months for the prices to drop. All in all I usually buy about 20-25 books a month and end up spending about $60 a month.
November 8, 2012 10:22 am Wow, that's really disappointing. I just started catching up on Milligan's run on Comixology. I was really excited about the upcoming 300th issue and figured it would lead to something really cool. I'll probably check out Constantine #1, but I haven't really enjoyed his New 52 appearances either so far, he's way too bland and all ages. Plus Venditti is American, everyone knows Constantine writers should be British. It just works better that way.
November 1, 2012 2:06 pm I want soooo very badly to say Gillen's Journey into Mystery, why couldn't you have asked two weeks ago? I hate to just mention one book so I'm going to list my top 10. I'd have to say the book I still look forward to the most every month after all these years is Johns' Green Lantern. That's the best book currently published in my opinion. Probably not a very popular pick anymore though. For reference, here's my top 10 books currently being published. 1. Green Lantern 2. Hawkeye 3. Manhattan Projects 4. Wonder Woman 5. Batman Incorporated 6. Action Comics 7. Swamp Thing/Animal Man 8. Wolverine and the X-Men 9. Uncanny X-Force 10. Saga
October 1, 2012 12:42 pm DC was spiraling a bit post Blackest Night. Brightest Day wasn't all it was cracked up to be and frustrating scheduling issues were really hurting DC's bottom line. Yeah it's annoying that we lost a lot of stuff, but I'd say that overall more good has come from the New 52 than bad. I feel like the majority of folks who New 52 bash are continuity whores who need more fun in their lives.
August 14, 2012 4:37 pm The preview pages for Kid Flash look sooooo good, and really well written to boot. Why can't we get more books like this please?
April 23, 2012 2:12 pm I'm really enjoying this feature. I wasn't into comics back then, but it's cool to see what was coming out back then.
April 23, 2012 2:07 pm I don't think I, Vampire has had a fill in, but I could be mistaken.
April 23, 2012 1:37 pm I didn't like the first issue of Firestorm, but man that Van Sciver art is great.