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Name: Patrick Rott



patrickrott's Recent Comments
September 1, 2013 6:22 pm I just want to say thank you to all the writers who contributed so much for the last decade. Your efforts were entertaining and something I looked forward to on a weekly basis. If I may suggest a section of the website which could highlight links to current work of the writers so that the iFanbase can continue to follow there efforts? And I extend my gratitude for continuing the podcast, my favorite hour of the week. Good luck and good fortune to all.
July 24, 2013 10:45 pm Awesome article. I bought this faithfully while in college and agree with most of your assessments. The Blackhawk run was a precursor to the great "Baxter" series also done by Pasko and Burchett. I enjoyed everything Peter David had written up to that point but Hal on the set of Oprah killed it for me. I remember WANTING to enjoy the Secret Six as we were promised the identity of Mockingbird after twenty-some years. But as you mentioned on multiple occasions, stories would lose their steam and ultimately this reader's interests. Still, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Time to pull out the long boxes.
September 9, 2011 1:59 am Y'know, as much as I enjoyed the Englehart run on WCA it's goofy moments such as this that really kept it from becoming really great. Still, better this than what Bendis did to her with the Hood.
April 19, 2011 3:20 pm I remember being really moved by the death of Jeanne DeWolfe. At the time, I realized that Marvel would never bring back a minor character such as her. But I liked her and she was, and still is, gone forever.