
Name: Matt White


mwhite.ny's Recent Comments
January 28, 2013 1:29 pm Good point. As I mentioned, I read the issue this morning so my reaction and comment were a little knee-jerk. I guess I was mostly disappointed since the story, which I 've really been enjoying, seemed to just end. I've also only read a handful of Hickman, so I may just not be used to his particular style of storytelling.
January 28, 2013 12:29 pm Really happy to see this post. Just read the #3 this morning and thought I had missed an issue or something. Not that everything/everyone needs to be obviously pointed out, but if you're going to deus ex machina your way out of what was looking to be a really interesting, this-actually-feels-like-it-matters story, the least you could do is tuck a bit of exposition in there so you don't befuddle your readers. That said, the art was absolutely stellar.