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Name: Jen R



mockingnerd's Recent Comments
November 14, 2012 12:57 pm Hey, it's me! Thank you for making me sound super cool. I've admittedly not been keeping up with this debate and have just seen it flying around all around the usual places I tend to spend my precious little internet time. But what I did see was quite disappointing. It's a shame when anyone gets painted with the same brush as everyone else but I did think this was particularly unfair. I'm not going to type paragraphs defending myself personally because I really don't think I need to - the apparent support for this silly hobby that I participate in maybe once a year at a convention is immense - but I will point out that people shitting on cosplayers, like anyone hitting out at something they're rather ignorant about, should spend just a few extra minutes taking a look around. Did they know that a lot of us, myself included, wear these costumes to visit kids in hospital? To attend fundraisers for organisations that support chronically sick or underprivileged children? No, didn't think so. Here we are, though: http://www.heroesalliance.org And of course everyone likes to be acknowledged in some way for something they've made, or designed, or otherwise been involved in creating. But some of us really like the more obscure characters few people actually recognise or care about... and we're just doing it because we think they're great. (And if they DO need someone to draw a Namora book, I'm waiting by the phone.)