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Name: S Poo


mistakenforpanda's Recent Comments
June 11, 2012 7:19 pm Based on the my interpretation of the movie and some insight from the podcast ( which I hope you've listened to already) Here is my explanation of what may have transpired in those few unclear moments... Why do they want to kill us? Maybe they all didn't want to. Maybe there were two factions within the "engineer" species, those who want to destroy/conquer/enslave and the other who would want to create/facilitate life. It was never explained within the movie why Earth was the destination so it may be safe to assume for resources and the little armada of xenoseedlings could have been their weapon to suppress local lifeforms, assuming they had no prior knowledge of current inhabitants (probably unlikely with the level of tech they had). Which leads us into your next question, How they all died? I'm going to assume it was an internal battle, which explains the recorded images found in the ship, a ships log if you will, as well as the reason for all the bodies being piled up in one place (sorta mass grave for their "brothers"). Also, since these were just ships scattered across the moon/planet, it is safe to assume that not all the engineers are dead. As for the remaining engineers in various "pods", I think that these served the same purpose as the cryogenic chambers the humans used for space travel. So they may have not been escape pods thus why no pods were missing. As for the beginning of the movie, I want to believe that the engineer's who were the ones that wanted to create life eventually traveled among the stars finding planets and spreading their genetic material. Maybe to ensure life, they engineered the ooze thing at the beginning to virally infect and spread the engineer's genetic material to cells already existing on that said planet so that they may be better adaptable to said environment. The engineers may have been a dying species and this was the only way to ensure their existence. This was just something i did with the last hour at work as i dont do anything but read comics and read forums. Just some random thoughts of the movie to see if anyone thinks similarly to myself. The only question I was left with after seeing and listening/reading the podcast/forums is if this was a setup to two more movies, what are they going to be about. Another two hours of just Shaw and David having a philosophical arguement about life as they travel to an unknown planet? Somehow other engineer's wake up around the planet and head out on a warpath? The Weyland corp sends out another ship just for funzies? I liked the movie but a setup for more is kinda daunting.
June 11, 2012 6:40 pm Being a scientist, I believe they accurately portrayed the geologist and biologist correctly. Other than that i have no clue what fields the two super scientist were in... for those xkcd fans out there http://xkcd.com/435/ geologist would fit somewhere between biologist and chemist.