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Name: Jordan Rojas


jman911's Recent Comments
October 5, 2011 3:50 pm Holy bulging package Batman.
October 14, 2008 10:52 pm This is one of the reasons I'll miss the mini episodes - never would have read the 1'st. issue had it not been for Ron.  Ditto on most everyone's remarks - passed this around at work to friends who don't read comics and they're all siked to see what happens.  Most were disappointed to learn that comics come out once a month - it's a harsh lesson I didn't have the heart to say that sometimes they get pushed back (ahem. . .Wolverine #69).
September 29, 2008 11:13 am

Let me confess by saying I didn't always watch them but I NEVER missed a “pull list” mini. I’ve picked up a lot of good books due to the recommendation, books I would have never thought twice about.  I’ll miss that – LAME.