
Name: Jason Harbolt


jasonrage's Recent Comments
July 18, 2012 9:19 am I enjoyed how the death of Ben Parker was performed. And I mean enjoyed as in it really hit me hard, "right in the chest plate" so to speak. It felt like a real death. It remided me of my own fathers death. In movies, there is this cliche' where when a parent dies, they get this one last line that somehow defines the main character for the rest of the movie. I appreciated the death of Ben Parker, one second he was there, the next he was gone. No final words, no calling out to his loved ones, no good bye, just gone. That is the way the death of a parent is for the majority of us. Thank you Marc Webb.
July 5, 2012 3:45 pm As you ask these questions, i get the feeling you didnt watch the movie at all. You have just enough information to be danerous.