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Name: Nathan Streeper

Bio: http://diebenny.tumblr.com/


diebenny's Recent Comments
March 22, 2013 10:44 am Haha, I love all of this.
March 21, 2013 10:41 am @TheAdventurer I don't see anyone treating them like that here, but that doesn't mean those people don't exist. It's okay to have a format preference but still recognize the validity of both forms of delivery. I can see where people get that mindset too, not that I agree with it. It's like in video games, right now. Think about IPhone games versus PC or Console games. Many iOS and Android based games, or say, Facebook games, are treated like they are less valid than console or PC because they're new and are unproven to the people who have considered themselves gamers for decades. Shit like this happens all the time, and I'm not saying it's right, it's just understandable. Until more creators break through using digital or more big names like Martin, BKV and Waid come over and start playing in the digital space, you'll have people equating these comics with web comics like Penny Arcade, when they're two different things, like Mass Effect and Angry Birds. The gap is closing though on both fronts. Just today Firaxis, the guys behind Civilization and XCom, announced an iOS game and just this week we had The Private Eye drop out of nowhere. Those that question the validity of digital comics will soon have their minds changed if things keep going the way they're going. Positive thinking, dawgs.
March 19, 2013 10:29 pm I'm waiting for the eventual collected edition too. I think this thread took a turn for the hilarious with people being "frustrated" about other people's opinion and format preference and/or taking the creator's format decision personally . It's pretty goofy. Different strokes, folks. No need to get so bent outta shape for or against the format it initially comes in. There are plenty of people buying into this digitally. I'll buy into it the way I want. What happened to being cool with other people's opinions round here? The only people who're wrong are those coming down on other's opinions because they don't match their own. It's silly. We don't all have to be excited about some experimental thing or be upset because it's a digital comic.
March 19, 2013 11:40 am Anyone know if this is coming to floppies down the road? Danke!
February 26, 2013 2:51 pm Whoa. This guy is awesome!
February 18, 2013 2:32 pm "What if she had said “I believe marriage is between a man and woman of the same race.” Would the outrage she received then be astounding? Of course not. If she had made a racial comment no one would defend her and rightfully so. Why is this situation any different? It’s not. Why is racism inappropriate but bigotry in other forms is acceptable? It’s not." Slam fucking dunk, right there.
February 14, 2013 12:05 pm This was very well written and a pleasure to read, Paul... Even though I still think you're a dick.
February 6, 2013 11:40 pm That's what I thought too. No more of my dollars shall belong to him.
February 5, 2013 7:20 pm Holy Chris Pratt that is awesome!!