
Name: David Pentecost


davidpentecost's Recent Comments
May 16, 2013 8:53 pm I dropped off this book several months ago during the president Steve Rodgers event....lost complete interest. Think I will see about picking up the new stuff in trade. Sounds like everyone is really liking it.
April 21, 2013 8:59 pm What a great comic! Wonderful art and compelling, interesting story. I love the characters....the interaction, the action. All good.
November 1, 2012 8:41 pm For me, it is a toss up between Batman by Snyder/Capullo and Wolverine & the Xmen. Batman is creepy with wonderful art and a huge mystery. WTXM is fun and heartfelt with great art. Batman wins on art...capullo is great and has done nearly every issue. WTXM has great artists that fit the tone of the stories but lacked consistency because of so many fill ins. I wish Bachalo and Bradshaw could have been the only artists (but I am excited to see Ramon Perez coming n the book). If this series would not have gone off into AVX tie ins it would have been a hands down winner. Even though Batman had more consistent art and great stories, my final vote has to go to Wolverine &the Xmen because the stories have emotional pull are character focused, tinged with humor but the bad guys are truly horrific. I love the cast in this book and want to learn more about them. I would read entire issues of Jason Aaron writing broo talking about science and kid apocalypse trying to understand his surroundings. This comic mixes it up. Some issues are silly and make me lau out loud and the next issue is sad and disturbing. It is like watching an action, adventure drama with tons of well placed humor.
October 15, 2012 8:43 pm This book is great. Love the stories and love the art and design of the book. The covers are perfect!
March 25, 2012 1:19 am Great comic...pocked it up because of Ramon Pereez art. Rd the comic Wednesday and saw the movie Friday...bot are excellent and now I understand the comic e en more.
March 13, 2012 9:52 pm I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next issue. Reads like an action movie and is not all hard billed and gritty but is more fun, which is what i am looking for. And I just wrote the worst written sentence ever. :)
March 13, 2012 9:46 pm Loved Betrayel and look forward to this big time.admission, I am not an Apes fan. Honestly do not recall ever watching a complete movie but I jumped on board because of Gabe Hardman and really enjoyed the first series.
March 13, 2012 9:43 pm Love this book...so glad there is a good war book out on the market. Growing up, I read the Nam and GIJoe and Sgt Rock. Really did not read any super hero comics (well GIJoe was sort of super heroes) so I am really happy to have another good war book out. And also glad that it is not a "mature" title. This is the kind of book I will share with a lot of people who are not comics readers. Mitch, love your art.
February 20, 2012 7:46 pm Looking forward to this....enjoy the roster. Do jot know anything about the villains but I am on for the ride.
February 20, 2012 7:08 pm What a great book! Love this series. Glad that this one started developing the characters more...and the art was incredible. Very nice!