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Name: Elizabeth Dickman



cupcake13's Recent Comments
October 23, 2012 8:46 pm It's funny I saw that ad this past week and actually didn't pay any mind to it cause I just tend to skip over all ads. With that said, I love comics, baseball (Go Giants!), anime, shopping, shoes, and romantic comedies, and sometimes I get weird looks in my LCS cause I don't look the part. But honestly if you truly love your hobbies you wont care how others see you, you'll just keep on loving what you do.
March 8, 2012 8:41 pm Those were great interviews; and I make a nice appearance standing in the background of the Wiebe interview, for a really long time too ; )
February 16, 2012 8:13 pm I really enjoyed reading this, it was refreshingly fun and I loved the art, I can hardly wait for #2 to come out, and I hope that this story doesn't end after 5 issues I would love to see a 30 issue run!
February 1, 2012 7:18 pm My husband and I both love comics, however we hardly ever seem to talk about comics with each other except when something really amazing/bad/shocking happens in a book that we are both reading. We also have different taste in comics as, well my husband tends to read superhero comics and I love all genres. It works for us.
September 29, 2011 7:36 pm His only weakness... he can't turn left.