
Name: Spencer Cook


cooker's Recent Comments
July 24, 2011 10:02 pm I thought this movie was pretty good, but the final act really fell flat for me.  The origin story was handled really well, but I thought the film really lost momentum after that. 

My main issue was that Red Skull never seemed that threatening.  He never presented any threat to the hero: his plans fell apart bit by bit without much difficulty.  Even at the end, the stakes didn't feel all that high.  Bucky was killed by a henchman, rather than a proper villian (why not have Red Skull kill him?).  Then, at the end, we all knew Cap would crash the plane into the ice, but why did he need to?  The clearly labelled bombs weren't a problem any more, and Cap seemed to have control of the plane, so why not just fly it to the states and try to land it?

Ah well.  It was not a bad movie by any stretch - the first two thirds were a lot of fun - but I think a few simple fixes would have made it much better.