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Name: John Campbell



comicsradar's Recent Comments
November 30, 2011 2:25 pm A strap-on ankle pouch could be of some use to a bicyclist, if they weren't too bulky or designed to keep the pouches on the outside.Cycling clothes fit pretty snug and belts tend to get uncomfortable after a while. And if you keep money in them, there is very little chance of someone pick pocketing you with you noticing. Not really any worse than a fanny pack. Really interesting how they're bring back scarlet spider, but not Ben Reilly and the Kaine regeneration was a bit too literal deus ex machina. From the point one issue, it seems like he'll be a darker hero, more like batman.
November 17, 2011 10:58 am Because all three of those books are very good. I'd prefer none of those be cancelled. Instead cancel Uncanny X-force, X-men legacy, Incredible Hulks, Avengers, Avenging Spider-man, Punisher.... Granted, if I had to choose I would prefer Daken to be cancelled and folded into another series than X-23 but I can't think of a title he'd be appropriate on. The fact is marvel is actually doing a lot of good books right now. Every month, I flip open Marvel previews afraid that X-factor is going to be cancelled.
July 20, 2011 9:38 am Was this supposed to be Top 5 WORST Captain Americas?

I think "Roscoe" definitely counts.

Also, U.S. Agent was Omega Flight, not Alpha Flight.

"...Walker agreed to be a member of the new Omega Flight Program and left for Canada."
July 14, 2011 10:26 am

Damn it, guys.

When you do a SPOILER post, you may want to make it so the "spoiler" isn't the thumbnail image in the "you might like" section. Please.

May 10, 2011 10:24 am The real twist is one of his alternate personalities is actually the kingpin of LA. And all of his superheroing is just a delusion he's trapped in so Marc can't take back over.

//haven't actually read it yet, but seems plausible
April 25, 2011 10:20 am Odd that Stephanie doesn't remember being Spoiler before being Robin....

Eh, maybe Superboy punched out that reality or something.

Look forward to Post-Coital Thor. Hopefully he's Olde English Speaking Post-Coital Thor.
February 11, 2011 9:44 am I wonder if it will just be the same flash ring again, like when theyrereleased the green lantern one or if it will be a different looking flash ring, like flashpoint universe flash or something.