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Name: austin hartman

Bio: I'm a recent transplant to New York from sunny Santa Cruz, California where I bartend and freelance write on the topics of revelry and geek culture. Having been raised an X kid, I found that my weekly pick-up, which is diverse, is mostly Marvel with a focus on the mutant community and its varying titles. My favorite writer is Alan Moore, where I now have two A.M. related tattoos from The League of Extraordinarily Gentleman & From Hell. My favorite series written is the Alan Moore & Rick Veitch run of Swamp thing where it also collect my favorite single issue ever written - #40. http://www.greenpointnews.com http://www.vitaminc4.com http://www.comicsontherocks.tumblr.com http://www.nobodypoopsbutyou.com


arhartman's Recent Comments
June 10, 2011 11:12 am i think I saw something like this in Ghostbusters 2. 
February 22, 2011 12:05 am That was my part of my original intention, and I included a long running webcomic last week. But this is a fledgling column and we're still attempting to entice readers. Thank you! Check back next Monday!
February 21, 2011 3:52 pm @IMBGY11 I love both of those too! I'm sure they will find a place on this report soon enough. 
February 9, 2011 1:24 pm In 2006, Richard Kelly released 3 mini-comics as a prologue/explination to his convoluted film Southland Tales... in the end, it didn't really work out. He later said he had wished to have made the comics into the first film and the actual movie as its sequal. 
January 25, 2011 1:53 pm So... Being that I am mostly an X-kid, I wonder if they will have Daken respond in his new title. I mean, he just recently visited the FF, and he was pretty close with the recently deceased. I think that would be pretty interesting. 
October 22, 2010 9:54 am

i too would purchase the Medieval Avengers book.

 Also, Gandalf and Alan Moore are the same person. Moore really did kill the Balrog... 

October 21, 2010 3:13 pm I would recommend one starts by reading Alan Moore's Swamp Thing where Constantine is created. Also, for you smoking nerds out there, if you ever go to the UK, make sure to pick up a pack of Silk Cut cigarettes - they are Constantine's brand and smokes two packs a day.