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Name: Josh Xian


WWest's Recent Comments
February 24, 2011 2:08 pm Convert her.

On just last week's podcast Josh was saying how he typically dislikes goofy stuff like Compound Hulk, but loved that issue.  Cheesy comic stuff is a taste that can be acquired.

I liked the film and the smart cuts, but I worry about the mainstream appeal. 
February 14, 2011 3:22 pm @conor  More than happy to discuss the show rather than other people's posts.

What made you think of Terra?  The blonde girl joining the teen team with a traitor angle?
February 14, 2011 3:06 pm Cool.  Always looking for more swords-n-sandals stuff.
February 14, 2011 3:03 pm @RahUniQue  You find it ironic that RaceMcCloud is chiding someone for a thin skin and posting style while being defensive and off-topic?

@DrAwkward  Ignore RaceMcCloud.  I got this.

@RaceMcCloud  If the shoe fits.  RTFM.  You're like a hypersensitive mom who watches South Park or Robot Chicken to make herself hysterical.  Clearly it's not for you.  Some of us like details.  DocAwk pegged you as defensive perfectly since you saw mere commentary as criticism, like your first three obnoxious replies.

Your defensive "attempt" to stop looking like a jerk doesn't apply to the show or DocAwk's comments.  He specifically dismissed arrow trope discussion, plus you couldn't walk away without calling him condescending and thin skinned. The shoe fits pretty well.

@conor  I think the creators have said they want to cover new territory and since the Teen Titans animated series already covered that they will probably skip it.  My theory is that Artemis as a traitor is a red-herring and that she has some other shameful secret.  The real infiltrator will be all the technology Kid Flash keeps bringing into the Mountain.  He kept the robot eye and now Cheshire's mask.  Or Robin's cape could be covered in nanobots.  Maybe they spy on the kids or infect Red Tornado for the late season reveal.
February 13, 2011 4:07 pm Wolvie one is my avatar and the Dustin one is my wallpaper!
February 13, 2011 4:04 pm Much better episode than last week.  Were the Beacon videos part of some "win a spot on Smallville" promotion?
February 13, 2011 4:03 pm Curious how much they paid to get him and if he'll shave his head.
February 13, 2011 4:01 pm @DrAwkward  Love the commentary tracks, keep them coming.  Ignore the jerks.