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Name: Brian McNamara

Bio: Professor of Anthropology in NJ. Media Ecologist. Comic reader. Person on the internet.



It’s one thing to wear your influences on your sleeve, another to just flat out do your influences over again…

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I really didn’t enjoy this issue. Weaver’s art is very good, but is a little too fluid in one issue…

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Twelve months ago, I was so enamored with the first issue of a title that I was motivated to write…

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PraxJarvin's Recent Comments
August 20, 2013 11:53 pm The BATMAN FOREVER soundtrack is actually pretty solid for its time.
August 14, 2013 11:04 pm ::Standing ovation for the front page article summary.::
August 8, 2013 1:28 pm Jeff, you are the best.
August 8, 2013 1:03 am "DOOM IS BEYOND ENUMERATION."
August 7, 2013 2:34 pm Well, I'm jazzed for this. Can it be November already? I want my Thor, Doctor Who 50th and JFK retrospectives, dammit!
August 7, 2013 2:27 pm One of my favorite jokes during the Johns JSA run has to do with Holt talking about being "Third Smartest" and that he accepts that title because "the other two are really insecure about it." Holt is one of my favorite characters and one of the few prominent atheist characters in comics. (How did you resist the urge to list Holt as #3!?) I would definitely say T'Challa over Peter, though.
August 6, 2013 4:17 pm I am afraid by this definition of "functioning adult," I must find my way to a repair shop. I have used the phrase "An orgy of food" to describe many a potluck dinner.
August 6, 2013 4:14 pm ilovecomics, you may feel free to critique my comment, but I fail to see what typo you're referring to? Could it be someone who has gotten an "A in all their college courses" (Guess an A+ was hoping for too much!) does not know what the word ellipsis means? I assume then, I am free to "critic(sic)" your use a possessive instead of plural for A in your own comment? It also seems you missed the class on how to form a cogent argument and defend it with evidence. If in fact you did complete a college course, it might not be too late for you to go back and ask for a refund for your woefully inadequate education. I can only assume your comment about your grades was meant to impress, but I think you'll find that the iFanboy readership needs more than a pithy remark about (improvable beyond you posting a transcript) grades to find anything impressive about you or your comments. I don't necessarily agree with this article, nor the attitude it presupposes, but you won't see me lashing out at the site or writer. I've dropped a few witticisms into this article to deflate an argument about "policing" language that I find repugnant. What's odd is that, normally, I would agree with you. Grammar is more or less fictional and fluid. But at a certain point your comments become almost unreadable. And instead of being a critique of or play on language, they rather belie an angry, unintelligent commentator.
August 5, 2013 11:40 pm "ilovecomics" please, for the love of Satan, learn how to use commas and apostrophes. If you can do you an ellipsis, you can do those.
August 5, 2013 3:37 pm Normally I would, CBC, but he's got all that stuff on his shelves. His first edition Works of Shakespeare, his model of the USS Stargazer, the Ressikan flute, Livingston his goldfish.... Oh sweet Mithras, PICARD HAS SHELF PORN!